Blogs > Content Marketing 03-06-2024

13 Ways To Detect AI Written Content

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Written by wisoft

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Today more than ever, content creation has evolved significantly with the rise of AI-driven tools that can generate text resembling human writing. This technological advancement has revolutionized the content landscape, offering unprecedented efficiency and scale in content production. However, alongside the benefits, it has also introduced challenges for content marketing agencies and online SEO agencies. For these agencies, it's crucial to be able to identify AI-generated content to maintain quality, authenticity, and trust. AI-generated content, while efficient, often lacks the creativity, emotional engagement, and nuanced understanding of human writers. This can undermine the effectiveness of content marketing strategies and erode audience trust if not properly managed.

This expanded blog post provides a comprehensive guide on detecting AI-written content for content marketing agencies and online SEO agencies, emphasizing the importance of maintaining authenticity and quality in content creation. By understanding and applying these detection methods, agencies can ensure that they deliver high-quality, engaging, and genuine content that resonates with their target audience.

Here are 13 effective ways to detect AI-written content!

1. Contextual Understanding

AI often struggles with understanding nuanced contexts. Look for inconsistencies in tone, style, and relevance to the topic. Human writers generally maintain a consistent flow and relevance throughout the content. AI may produce content that shifts abruptly in tone or veers off-topic unexpectedly, lacking the cohesive narrative that human writers naturally provide.

In this example, the AI-generated continuation abruptly shifts from discussing the lion's symbolic significance to detailing its diet and threats it faces from humans. This shift in tone and topic lacks the cohesion and narrative flow typically found in human writing.

2. Complexity of Language

AI tends to struggle with complexity in language and may simplify or over-complicate sentences. Human writers typically maintain a natural flow and balance in language complexity, adapting the language to suit the target audience without sacrificing clarity or readability. AI-generated content may exhibit overly simplistic language in an attempt to reach a broader audience or overly technical jargon that is not necessary for the topic.

In this example, the AI-generated version simplifies the language and removes some of the technical terminology present in the original passage, aiming for a broader audience but potentially losing some precision and depth in the process.

3. Unusual Phrasing and Syntax

AI-generated content might use awkward phrasing or unusual syntax. Look for sentences that seem slightly off or don't flow naturally. Human writers usually employ a more intuitive and varied sentence structure, making use of rhetorical devices and varied sentence lengths to maintain reader engagement.

In this example, the AI-generated version lacks the natural flow and elegance of the original passage. The phrasing feels slightly awkward and the syntax is less varied, resulting in a less engaging and immersive description.

4. Over-Reliance on Keywords

AI often places too much emphasis on keywords for SEO purposes, leading to unnatural keyword stuffing. Human writers integrate keywords naturally into the content, ensuring they fit contextually and do not disrupt the flow of the text. AI-generated content may have a higher density of keywords that feel forced or repetitive, compromising the readability and natural flow of the content.

In the AI-generated content, the repetition of "New York" and "pizza" feels forced and disrupts the flow of the text.

5. Knowledge Gaps and Errors

AI lacks real-world knowledge and may generate incorrect facts or outdated information. Human writers tend to provide accurate and up-to-date content, drawing on personal experience, research, and industry expertise to ensure the information presented is reliable and relevant. AI-generated content may contain factual inaccuracies or outdated information that a knowledgeable human writer would recognize and correct.

In the AI-generated content, the mention of "floppy disks" and "dial-up internet" reflects outdated information, indicating a lack of real-world knowledge or awareness of current trends.

6. Repetitive Content

AI may generate repetitive content or reuse the same phrases and structures. Human writers produce varied and engaging content, utilizing synonyms, different sentence structures, and creative expressions to keep the reader interested. AI-generated content may lack the creativity and variation that human writers naturally incorporate, leading to a monotonous reading experience.

In the AI-generated content, there's a noticeable repetition of phrases like "regular exercise" and "can improve," resulting in a lack of variation and creativity.

7. Emotional Engagement

AI-written content often lacks emotional engagement and may feel flat or robotic. Human writers can create content that resonates emotionally with readers, employing storytelling techniques, humor, empathy, and personal anecdotes to establish a connection. AI-generated content may lack the emotional depth and sensitivity required to engage readers on a personal level, focusing more on informational content rather than creating a meaningful experience.

In the AI-generated content, the information is straightforward and factual, but it lacks the emotional resonance and personal touch that human writers can bring.

8. Sentiment Analysis

Use sentiment analysis tools to gauge the emotional tone of the content. AI-generated content may lack appropriate emotional cues, presenting information in a neutral or detached manner. Human writers naturally imbue their content with emotional nuances that reflect the intended tone and mood, adapting their writing style to elicit specific emotional responses from the reader.

In the AI-generated content, the tone remains neutral and matter-of-fact, lacking emotional cues that might evoke excitement or enthusiasm.

9. Grammar and Punctuation

AI can struggle with grammar and punctuation, leading to errors that are uncommon in human-written content. Human writers have a natural grasp of grammar and punctuation rules, ensuring that their content is free from errors and maintains a professional standard. AI-generated content may contain grammatical errors, awkward sentence structures, and incorrect punctuation usage that detracts from the overall readability and quality of the content.

In the AI-generated content, there are several grammatical errors and incorrect punctuation usage, such as "it's" instead of "its" and "lead" instead of "led." These errors detract from the professionalism and readability of the content.

10. Personalization and Creativity

AI-generated content often lacks personalization and creative elements. Look for content that feels customized and inventive, tailored to the unique needs and interests of the target audience. Human writers inject their personality, style, and creativity into their work, offering a fresh perspective and innovative ideas that captivate and engage readers. AI-generated content may lack the personal touch and creative flair that human writers naturally incorporate, resulting in content that feels generic and uninspired.

In the AI-generated content, the message is straightforward and lacks personalization or creativity. It provides basic information without any unique flair or tailored approach.

11. Plagiarism Detection

Use plagiarism detection tools to ensure that the content is original. AI may generate content that inadvertently resembles existing material, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. Human writers conduct thorough research and cite their sources responsibly, ensuring that their content is original and respects copyright laws. AI-generated content may inadvertently replicate phrases, sentences, or entire paragraphs from existing sources without proper attribution, compromising the authenticity and credibility of the content.

In this example, the AI-generated content unintentionally resembles the plagiarized content, potentially raising concerns about originality.

12. Author Verification

Verify the authorship of the content if possible. AI-generated content typically lacks a human author, appearing as anonymous text generated by a machine. Human writers take pride in their work and establish authorship through bylines, author bios, and personal websites, demonstrating accountability and expertise in their field. AI-generated content may lack transparency and accountability, making it difficult to verify the credibility and authority of the information presented.

13. Audience Response

Monitor audience response to the content. AI may struggle to generate content that resonates with real readers, resulting in limited engagement and interaction. Human writers create content that sparks conversation, encourages feedback, and prompts readers to take action, fostering a sense of community and connection. AI-generated content may lack the conversational tone, interactive elements, and call-to-action prompts that human writers naturally incorporate, limiting its ability to build relationships and cultivate a loyal audience.


In conclusion, while AI has advanced significantly in generating content, it still lacks the nuanced understanding, creativity, and emotional intelligence that human writers possess. For content marketing agencies and online SEO agencies in Dubai and worldwide, detecting AI-written content is essential to maintain quality and authenticity in their content strategies.

By employing these 13 methods to detect AI-written content, agencies can ensure that they are delivering high-quality, engaging, and authentic content to their clients and audiences. Remember, while AI can assist in content creation, the human touch remains irreplaceable when it comes to creating truly compelling and effective content.

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