Blogs > Seo 20-05-2021

SEO Hacks for B2B Tech Companies

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Written by Wisoft Solutions

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The journey of making decisions based on online content is usually a self-navigated one. In this process, B2B companies that try to create awareness about their business often get stuck in a trap where they have exactly what the user needs, but aren’t able to forge a connection and close a deal with them. One of the main reasons behind this is an overt need to display a perceived identity of the company. In trying to communicate with the end buyer, messages invariably get loaded with business jargon that can make users feel like they are at the wrong place. Buyers who use your website to understand your brand can end up muddled in information asymmetry if you do not deliver clear messages about who you are and what you can do for them. The good news is that a professional SEO agency in Dubai can help you hack the right words to overcome this block. In this article, we’ll cover five themes that can help your B2B SEO strategy flourish.

Technical keyword strategy: The tip of the iceberg

What words are most relevant for search algorithms to make you more visible? How do these words relate to your business? These areas require some technical prowess and analytical know-how before you dive into keyword research and strategy. If you are looking to reach new customers, then using keywords with high search volume will help you reach more people.  However, a technical angle is just the tip of the iceberg; there’s more to a keyword strategy.  Watch out for what different types of buyers are searching for, even if it means using low-volume keywords because that might just be what your end buyer is using to find you. Every keyword has an associated cost that comes with it. While in the long run, optimizing low-volume keywords won’t give you dividends, it can bring in non-brand traffic. Both types of keywords indicate different search intent and can reach users at different points in their journey.

Keyword intent & SERP Research

When you search for something on the internet, you get served a Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Search engines are constantly experimenting to deliver users with intuitive experiences, relevant to their location, search history, social setting, etc. Similarly, Google perceives the intention behind a search term and whether the user is looking for informational content or whether there’s commercial intent behind the search. This changes the B2B keyword space. It can so happen that you choose a keyword that appears absolutely relevant to your business, but it ends up being semantically incorrect and doesn’t reflect the user’s intention. Your landing page could just end up in a SERP full of documentaries when you wanted to push a product page instead. This brings us to our next topic on how SEO agencies can optimize for Google’s page ranking.

Optimizing for Google’s Perceived Intent

An SEO service in Dubai will help you figure which SERP your business should appear in, design different strategies for informational SERPs and transactional SERPs and help your brand appear at the forefront of the right search results. Professional SEO services in Dubai will draw out how people are thinking and searching, and whether those keywords result in impressions and click-through for a website. Although Google is the most preferred search engine, agencies take additional steps to rank your business higher on platforms such as Youtube too. They conduct a thorough study of the search experience from a customer’s point of view, analyzing how users ask queries on a search engine, considering various cultures and languages to arrive at the perfect keyword strategy. Once the research has been dissected from several angles, we can start to map out search terms that cover the direct intention of the user as well as their hidden intent. This optimization can provide your target audience with clear, concise answers to their needs.

Optimizing the Conversion Funnel

After having figured the search intent and optimizing the content relevant to keywords, the most important part of a successful B2B SEO strategy is to result in conversions. A conversion funnel is the number of steps a user takes to complete a transaction on your website. A user can enter the funnel in many different ways, and mapping your own conversion flow can help a prospect move from researching and considering your business to decision-making. An SEO service in Dubai will help your business find customer segments that convert higher than average visitors. Perhaps some users come from your email marketing, or some enter the cycle from a SERP. Once you discover your segment, you can easily put more effort into what’s working and cut back on what isn’t. Agencies will help you find out at which point users drop off from your page; maybe it’s a hidden pricing that shows up much later in the funnel, and this can be resolved earlier on in the process. It’s important to audit and optimize the transaction journey of the user to know how they end up deciding or why they drop off in the end.

Learning from paid Search Insights

Paid marketing channels can give you insights into finding new keywords to strengthen your organic marketing. What works and doesn’t work on this first party channel, can help you optimize your organic reach, both brand and non-brand traffic that can help in conversions. An SEO agency in Dubai can help you discover organic methods to drive traffic towards your business.

In conclusion

A scalable B2B SEO strategy requires some cross-study across various marketing channels. It comes with its own unique challenges. B2B marketers need to know their target audience and how they think before they search the internet. Sometimes a high-volume keyword can do the trick, but it can also land your business in the wrong SERP if not used correctly. At Wisoft, we enable Tech B2Bs to enjoy organic traffic by gaining insights from their paid marketing, and reaching the target audience with optimized content. To know how you can put your business on the front-page of the internet, faster and better, get in touch with us today.

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