A Comprehensive Website Migration Checklist
Read MoreBlogs > E-commerce Marketing 25-07-2021
To Do or Not To Do: A Checklist for Ecommerce Brands
Connecting with consumers online has made businesses accessible and resilient compared to traditional models which were limited by geography, retail space and unforeseen disruptions. Not just digital marketing agencies in Dubai, brands are also discovering how doing business online offers greater access to a worldwide market and gives them greater control over their success. However, the leap into the vast online ecosystem makes this dynamic segment a tricky one to maneuver for new brands. Consumers are not only buying a product – it is the sum total of soul and personality of the brand that they purchase, and it takes time to develop this identity for the brand and create appeal in the consumer’s mind. There are several things a brand should do and should not do to stay on top of their game in the ecommerce market, or risk losing the early advantage they may have gained. Your company can enhance the online shopping experience for consumers by taking a closer look at these dos and don’ts regarding their business.
Do check your live stats
Keep your website updated and upgraded to reflect the latest products. Debug regularly and keep the content fresh. People have a short attention span when browsing through millions of ecommerce sites on the internet, so ensure that there is even flow in the order of the content. Moreover, if the content is not engaging and if there are too many usability issues with the website, chances are they won’t be coming back.
Before spending resources on advertising, it is essential to take care of the backbone of your ecommerce business. Right from the start you want to take care of hosting solutions for your website, security certificates that users trust, customer support and scalability of your site. There will be many trials and tests so take the courage to go through that before going live. Test the products and services and refine it where needed. Remember that your brand is trying to ease the shopping experience therefore use design and research that effectively leads every customer toward a smooth finish.
Do understand customer journey
If your ecommerce business reflects the way in which customers prefer to buy, then you have done your groundwork right. By taking the time to analyze your customer’s shopping journey you can design one on your website for them and keep it simple. The design of the shopping experience should be smooth such that a customer faces no hassle from start to finish, doesn’t get lost in a sea of content and can complete a transaction in a few clicks. The focus should be on providing customers excellent service and digital marketing agencies in Dubai could be a great asset in the mix. Trying to maintain your business all alone is do-able, though the idea is not popular since you as the owner could be spending time on the scalability of your business instead.
Do plan your communication
Click, tweet, share, like: you want to keep your customer’s engaged from start and throughout. But communication is also about listening to your customer. Your customers may actually be pointing out to some aberrations they are experiencing. Assure them when needed that you will evaluate their situation. There’s no need to attend to every hoot and cry, but if you listen to them and respond to them it helps create trust and loyalty. Indulge them in conversations about your products and build a community around the users who believe in your product. It can go a long way to find your tribe for they could be the ones who end up selling your products by word of mouth, even better than you can.
Don’t spam
Top digital marketing agencies in Dubai say this one right: all the latest trends are not meant for your brand. There is no need to use every opportunity to shout your presence out to the audience. Choose wisely on what you want to say and when you need to say it. This way you create more meaningful messages that helps consumers recall your brand rather than want to ‘hide the ads’.
Don’t make empty promises
If you’re going to offer a service as part of your business, be sure you are capable of delivering it. Free shipping means you have understood the logistics process and then claimed that shipping to the customer location won’t be charged. If at checkout the customer’s cart suddenly sees an additional charge, they may not hesitate to drop the idea of making a purchase. Same goes with return policies, be sure to mention all the clauses clearly on the website and leave none to discretion.
Don’t expect
It won’t do to just build a website and showcase your products. This will not make the magic happen. Running a business online is fast-paced work that requires quick actionable insights. Major digital marketing services in Dubai advise brands to optimize websites, leverage social media, emails, pay-per-clicks, etc. on a regular basis to stay fresh on search rankings and attract consumers looking for these products.
Don’t think small
If you’re planning to stick to the ecommerce model, it’s better to think big right from scratch. Fully functional websites are a great investment for the future and getting started with one avoids the tedious work when you’re trying to scale up later. Working from small scale Wordpress sites for few years and then moving to a website has its own downsides such as shifting data, etc. You may want to see which one is best suited for your business by consulting with digital marketing services in Dubai.
In Conclusion
If you are passionate about your brand, it will reflect in the way you take care of your customers. Though it takes time to build a tribe online, with a little care every now and then, you will be one step closer to refining your services that people want to identity with. It’s all about how you do it that makes the difference. We hope these few tips will help you start thinking about your brand’s online identity. To engage in more conversations with us, contact here.